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Zambian VS Colombian Emerald, which one to go for?

Zambian and Colombian mines are two well-known mines for natural Emeralds. The stones from both these mines differ in color tone. Colombian emeralds are a warmer green as compared to Zambian's deep green color. You can spot the color difference in the image above. The fancy shaped Emerald on the right side is Colombian and the emerald cut and oval shapes on the left side are Zambian emeralds.

While inclusions are completely natural in emeralds, Zambian emeralds tend to have fewer visible inclusions as compared to Colombian emeralds due to their dark color.

While a Zambian emerald of a higher quality than Colombian can be priced higher, if you compare similar qualities in both, Colombian will be priced about 1.5x times higher as compared to Zambian.

So at the end of it, it comes down to your color preference and budget.

In the case you have any particular requirement or need any assistance in purchasing the right emerald, feel free to get in touch with us on +91 9920920683, or visit our store in Mumbai, India.

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